
Following Filippo

Following Filippo

Following Filippo

The Following Filippo site was created to drive awareness about the Filippo Berio olive oil mobile tour and to get people to sign up for the sweepstakes to win a culinary journey through Tuscany. 


Following Filippo Site

Following Filippo Site

The site displayed large picturesque photos of Tuscany to draw in the viewers to enter the sweepstakes. The header navigation transitioned to a sticky nav where ENTER NOW was prominently placed at all times as a reminder to enter the sweepstakes.  

The landing page also provided information on where to catch the Following Filippo mobile tour and sample different types of Filippo Berio olive oil. 

The sweepstakes was also driven by social media and influencers who were carefully selected based on the geographic location of the mobile tour. As a result of the sweepstakes and mobile tour it increased Filippo's site traffic and brought awareness to the variety of olive oil products they carry.


Mobile Site

Mobile Site

The mobile site displayed a simplified version of the landing page. It featured a sticky header, similar to the desktop version that allowed for a constant reminder to Enter the Sweepstakes. It reiterated the goal of the site to gain sweepstakes entries and increase brand awareness.



Modelo Mosaic
